Aug 17 2013

learning to dance with my inner crone


and loving every minute of it





August Break 2013

Aug 15 2013

in which mother nature
has a play date with monet


later, they went for ice cream





August Break 2013

Aug 13 2013

straight down rain
falling through
a crooked morning

i listen for the space between splashes
and wait for the mystery of fountain

water is everywhere and i’m afraid to drown
one drip of silence at a time

but this pool on the floor just keeps growing
rivulets and fingers spreading stain

i dip my thumb in your aged chalice
still thirsty for all you cannot give

in this room i read the chronicle of empty
and everything you feed me tastes of salt

my heart drinks you in and spits lost longing
into the dusty veil of open corners

this is the mud we wallow in
though later we’ll leave footprints in the hall

as the laughter of thunder echoes lightly
and rain keeps running down the wall





Linking up with the fabulous dVerse poets for Open Link Night join us!

Aug 11 2013

the flaws in my heart


are yours to keep





August Break 2013

Aug 10 2013

rise and shine


i hadn’t planned to be up

before the sun this morning

but this made me glad i was





August Break 2013

Aug 8 2013

kind of blue…


nature’s trumpets





August Break 2013

Aug 6 2013

it all fits into
one corner of my eye

movement is what captures your attention

i fly away (in crooked lines)
to dance amongst the pleiades
and their ancient choreography
of hide and seek

i am dust

always there

visibly invisible

one clear tear
containing more
than this river
of flight

i can’t ask you
to understand
my fluttering

i can’t stay still
long enough
to burnish sanity

my universe is trite and monumental

i name it tree
and you laugh
with the music
of lost moonlight

i am a sliver
beneath your skin

festering for freedom

you name me calliope
and refuse to remove me

this is the seed
of remembrance
growing petals
of forgotten

i am blind and you are hollow

each night i fold
a dozen paper birds

and at midnight i listen for your drum





Linking up with the fabulous dVerse poets for Open Link Night join us!

Aug 4 2013

naughty kitten


sometimes i wonder

if he’s still looking

for george


i know i am






August Break 2013

Aug 3 2013

bouquet garni






breathe it in






August Break 2013

Aug 1 2013

august and everything after

It’s so hard to believe that it’s August already. This summer has flown by, as summers always do.

It’s been a summer of stolen moments, there is never enough time, and there is always something that needs doing, but I have tried to carve out bits of peace here and there.

Today marks the beginning of August Break in the blogging world. You can see the details here if you want to join in.

A photo a day and fewer words. (We’ll see how I do with that part). I’ll be alternating days between here and the blue muse.

Happy August.

Soak up some sun.