five minutes.
{reverb10 – day 15}
Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes.
Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most
want to remember about 2010.
I feel like I did exactly that in the way I answered the wisdom prompt.
But here is today’s five minute synopsis.
I fell in love. With a kitten.
I felt the sun on my face as sweat poured off my body,
taking stress and frustration with it.
I spent a weekend giggling in the Thousand islands,
most notably when my niece dropped her glasses
in the toilet.
I held my husband’s hand many times.
I whispered my secrets to the moon.
I got rained on, a lot, but I did not melt.
I sat in my garden once and wrote about everything
directly in front of me. It was life.
I gave out a lot of hugs. This is new,
I never used to be a hugger.
I started two blogs. I wrote every day.
Every day.
I counseled my children. Sometimes they listened,
sometimes they did not.
I spent time at the hospital with my mom. She spent
most of her time asking questions of her caretakers,
remembering the names of their children.
I stopped my car by the side of the road,
more than once, to take pictures.
I drove for two hours to find the base of a windmill.
It was like finding the end of the rainbow.
Then I fell in love again, with the other kitten.
And it all went by in exactly five minutes.