holy curiosity

i buy
the wrong kind of bacon
and walk into walls
at least twice every
obstinate day

sometimes i think i’ve gone mad
as i lie on the floor
wondering why all the corners
keep shifting six inches
from blown out
half gone retina

but when i pull myself up
i see stars

and this isn’t the shape
of our story nor the smell
left behind
on a wrinkled up pillow
branding form onto feather
and bone

just a kiss implied never taken
as i dream of rising
and {then again} falling
into the cracked steeple
of charity’s morn




A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 12
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.


One Response to “holy curiosity”

  • grapeling Says:

    that description of ‘obstinate days’ is spot-on. the 2nd and 3rd stanzas are amazing (and remind me of waking up, once, after having passed out in the bathroom due to blood loss from a wound. another story. but wondering, why is my cheek cold?) haven’t thought about that in a long time. you tap deep with your pens, Kelly ~

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