Aug 23 2011

a modicum of
arbitrary presence

{august break no. 23}



the rainy afternoon
that calls you outside
to sit still and
for echoes of rainbow
in shapes of thunder

the tiny white spider
that slides down, down,
an invisible thread
to hover and spin
at your side

the slip and drift
that make it possible
to blindly dive through
while wishing to be

but here.



this post is part of dVerse poets OpenLinkNight
today i am also over at vision & verb
with some thoughts on washing the dishes

Jul 12 2011


summer sun
hot, hot
golden glow
singing songs
of ripening

in a farmer’s field
a day’s work
transforms gold
into stubble

earth’s cycle
laid bare
in the light
of labor’s



Today I am also over at Vision & Verb
with more thoughts on this field of wheat.

Come, join us!


this post is part of one shot poetry wednesday

Jun 30 2011

life, blooming

Today I am over at Amy Oscar’s place,

as part of her Summer Wisdom Series:


I was so honored that she invited me to participate,

and would love it if you stopped over to say hello!

May 31 2011

do si do


Today I am over at Vision & Verb

thinking about things that remind me of other things,

and letters dancing…


and this photo really cracked me up.

May 17 2011

the lessons life unfolds


Today I am over at Vision & Verb

talking about how the more things change,

the more they stay the same…


May 3 2011

shades of grey


Today I am over at Vision & Verb

trying to find my way in this crazy black and white world.

And wondering if I’m the only one…


Apr 19 2011

yes, that’s me…


Today I am over at Vision & Verb

wearing my dunce cap.

But I am thinking about getting rid of it for good…


Apr 5 2011

a bird in the hand


Today I am over at Vision & Verb

having some fun with a handful of idioms.

‘Cause time flies when you’re having fun…


Mar 22 2011

if you believe…

Today I am over at Vision & Verb

along with the man in the moon.

Do you believe?


Mar 8 2011

fireside chat

Today I am over at Vision & Verb

breaking up with winter, and hopefully,

getting my sense of humor back.

Join us, won’t you? One of us might need a hug…
